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Available Online

Moving forward

This reading is for those people who are currently stuck at one point

30 min
45 British pounds
Online session

Service Description

This reading is for those people who are currently stuck at one point and spinning in a circle and don’t know how to move on. The reading is in two parts, in the first part of the reading you will get evidence that someone is with you and observes what is going on in your life. In the second part you get what you need from my guide to make your life easier. To branje je namenjeno tistim ljudem, ki so trenutno obstali v eni točki in se vrtijo v krogu in ne vedo, kako naprej. Branje je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, v prvem delu branja boste dobili dokaze, da je nekdo z vami in opazuje, kaj se dogaja v vašem življenju. V drugem delu dobite vse, kar potrebujete od mojega vodnika, da si olajšate življenje.

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