Mediumship is the practice of purportedly mediating communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings.
In other words, a medium is someone who is able to communicate with souls on the other side.
Natalija Bracci
My name is Natalija Bracci, originally from slovenia, I have been living in England for 17 years.
I have always had the ability, even as a child, however neither I nor my parents understood exactly what was happening or how to embrace and grow it. I didn't know where to look yet always felt the strong pull of the afterlife.
When I initially moved to England I decided to focus in on my spirituality and begin to develop and understand my ability.
Now I am able to help people to connect with loved ones already on the other side. I am a clairvoyant medium so I see, I smell, I feel, I hear and taste the things my guides show me
It gives me nothing but pleasure being able to use this ability for good and help people get the closure they so often need. I want to ensure that all my clients leave my session truly believing that tomorrow will be a better day.

From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to you for our reading. So many emotions, tears, laughter ... and above all my reassurance that everything is fine with them and that they are enjoying it together again. I knew they were still here, I just needed confirmation, which you selflessly handed over to me. Thank you, thank you and continue your great mission.
Dear Natalija! Many times you have contributed to me taking a step forward. Not just one, but countless of them. You are opening new paths and showing me directions. With yesterday's reading I am opening my cage in which I have been trapped all my life. I do not want and do not want to be a prisoner of desires for the beautiful, the gentle, the beloved..It's time to make that wish come true.
Dear Natalija ❤❤❤ ..... Thank you 1000 times for connecting with ati and for getting the answers that he is with me and that he is watching over me and my family. From the heart thank you for this event and a soothing conversation that has infused me with extra energy, reflection and positivity into the afterlife. You showed me that the afterlife really does exist !!!!!!